Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just a Question with Realization

What is a good relationship? So many people have their ideas of what a relationship should be, however I have learned that many people have good relationships on their own terms and not on what other people “professionals” say it should be. As we can look up so many books on how to have a healthy relationship, however I personal believe to have a healthy relationship, YOU have to have a powerful mind, a powerful soul, and a powerful ability to know what you will and will not take from another person.

I have had my share of relationships that did not work out and while I were in those relationships I couldn’t figure out why they didn’t until I took some me time. The time I took to regain my self love, respect and confidence. I took the time to reflect on those relationships and see how and what I can do better to make my next relationship better. What I did wrong? The number one thing I realized I did was not continuing to loving me. I lost myself in those relationships and lost control of who and what I wanted to be. I allowed the people to play on emotions and control of how I felt about myself and my life. I allowed for the relationship to dictate and control my path of self love. In the end, I have learned that loving me comes first and then everything else will follow.


  1. Learning to love yourself is or even taken the correct steps to making that change is awesome. I started taking that step, I took the first step and thought that was all I needed. But in taking that step I found more aout about myself and so I think I need continue with the counseling to get through to some rough soil. All I can say is don't give up on loving yourself. Cause it just take you to make the first step. Just be me responding to this blog God has given me the answer to some questions I had. Thank you Jesus.

  2. You're right. Relationships are what you make of them based on your expectations. It's so easy to get lost in relationships and their needs. Reflection is so important. It's that time God speaks to you and help you make hard decisions or heighten your senses. -NR-

  3. We have to first love ourselves than we can love others. We have to take time for me. Learn and love me first. We have to always take time out for me, even when we think we know. With each situatin or circumstance that comes our way we change. Change is always happening and we have to stay in tune with ourself. Great blog :-)

  4. Yes it is easy to get so caught up in a relationship that you forget yourself been there too many times, but you must first step back and learn to love yourself and what your goals were before you got into that relationship I'm at the place where I'm reflecting on me and my love for me and what I truly want for myself.....

  5. yeah its always a fight not to lose your identity in a relationship, even while you do not want to be accused of holding just have to be strong mentally and also ensure that you look inwards ,making sure the problem is not from your end as that's always more difficult to detect.

  6. You are right never ever let a relationship controls you of what you wanted to be I love this article!!
