Finding an outlet and a little information on how to start changing the way you think from negativity to positivity. Being able to go through trail and error and still walk around with a smile on your face and your head held up high.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Just a Question with Realization
I have had my share of relationships that did not work out and while I were in those relationships I couldn’t figure out why they didn’t until I took some me time. The time I took to regain my self love, respect and confidence. I took the time to reflect on those relationships and see how and what I can do better to make my next relationship better. What I did wrong? The number one thing I realized I did was not continuing to loving me. I lost myself in those relationships and lost control of who and what I wanted to be. I allowed the people to play on emotions and control of how I felt about myself and my life. I allowed for the relationship to dictate and control my path of self love. In the end, I have learned that loving me comes first and then everything else will follow.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Letter to Self
Everyone at some point in their lives has written a letter to themselves about their relationship, the good and the bad. How come we never listen to the words that are written in that letter? Instead, we try to justify our thoughts, make excuses for them and just ignore our true feelings. Sometimes "we" are truly afraid of what the outcome will be if we leave, if we stay, if we just trust ourselves and let everyone and everything go that we've worked so hard for. But wait, some say I know who I am, I know what I want, I know where I am going and I ask you REALLY???? Do you really know? You're not convincing me of these facts, you are convincing yourself. I've been there I know, I tried telling my friends that I'm happy I walked around smiling and even encouraging others but I didn't listen to my own advice.
Well, here is a letter that was written by a young lady that was in a relationship that wasn't going anywhere and she knew it but didn't listen to herself right away. She wrote this letter two years prior to the relationship ending and she found herself feeling the same way two years later. Don't be feeling this way two years from now!!!!
Check out the letter on the Articles by Women tab……
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Saturday, March 5, 2011
Let’s Get Started
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
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